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Theory and Modern Applications

Table 1 Model parameters for simulation

From: Modeling the effect of quarantine and vaccination on Ebola disease


Average value

Total number of population (N)

10,000 people/day

Contact rate (β)

variable day−1

Rate of quarantining (q)

0.3 day−1

Rate of loss of infection acquired immunity (γ)

0.25 day−1

Rate from S to R (vaccination rate) (v)

0.15 day−1

Recovery rate, quarantined individual (\(\alpha_{1}\))

0.4 day−1

Recovery rate, non-quarantined individual (\(\alpha_{2}\))

0.25 day−1

Death rate by Ebola, quarantined individual (\(\delta_{1}\))

0.3 day−1

Death rate by Ebola, non-quarantined individual (\(\delta_{2}\))

0.75 day−1

  1. (Source: World Health Organization, WHO, Ebola 2014 report.)