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Theory and Modern Applications

Table 1 Variable separation solution, inhomogeneity terms, and decay rate of ILLG equation (2)

From: Energy decay rate of multidimensional inhomogeneous Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation and Schrödinger map equation on the sphere

Solutions I–III

q(r) and decay rate

Solution I: \(\begin{pmatrix} \cos ( \Theta_{1} ) \sin ( B ) \\ \sin ( \Theta_{1} ) \sin ( B ) \\ \cos ( B ) \end{pmatrix}\),

\(-{\frac{C_{{1}}{r}^{2-2 n} ( C_{{2}}{r}^{n}+C_{{3}}n ) ^{ 2}\cos ( B ) {\beta}^{2}}{\alpha C_{{2}}^{2}{n}^{2} }}\)

\(\Theta_{1} = -{\frac{\alpha}{\cos ( B ) \beta}\ln ( -{\frac{\cos ( B ) \beta ( C_{{2}}{r}^{n}+C _{{3}}n ) }{\alpha n}} ) } + C_{{1}}t \)

and O(1)

Solution II: \(\begin{pmatrix} \cos ( \Theta_{2} ) \sin ( B ) \\ \sin ( \Theta_{2} ) \sin ( B ) \\ \cos ( B ) \end{pmatrix}\),

\(-{\frac{C_{{1}}\cos ( B ) {\beta}^{2} ( \overline{r} +K_{{n+1}} ) ^{2}}{\alpha ( \overrightarrow{K} \cdot \overrightarrow{K} ) }}\)

\(\Theta_{2} = C_{{1}}t -{\frac{\alpha\ln ( \overline{r} +K_{{n+1}} ) }{\cos ( B ) \beta}}+K_{{n+2}} \)

and O(1)