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Theory and Modern Applications

Figure 1 | Advances in Difference Equations

Figure 1

From: Dynamics of a stochastic population model with Allee effects under regime switching

Figure 1

Paths of model (3) with \(\varTheta =\{1,2\}\), \(r\equiv 0.15\), \(\mu \equiv 3\), \(\lambda \equiv 25\), \(\eta _{1}^{2}(1)=0.6\), \(\eta _{1}^{2}(2)=0.2\), \(\eta _{2}^{2}\equiv 0.16\). (a) is a path of the solution of state 1, which manifests that the extinction happens in about 85 years. (b) is a path of the solution of state 2, which manifests that the species is SP. (c) is a path of the solution of model (3) with \(\sigma =(0.8,0.2)\), which manifests that the extinction happens in about 105 years. (d) is a path of the solution of model (3) with \(\sigma =(0.2,0.8)\)

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