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Theory and Modern Applications

Figure 4 | Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models

Figure 4

From: A time-splitting local meshfree approach for time-fractional anisotropic diffusion equation: application in image denoising

Figure 4

Test case 2: (a) the original image of a cameraman, (b) noisy image with Gaussian noise (variance 0.02), (c) denoised image of the Gaussian noise by FPMM (\(\alpha =0.9\)), (d) denoised image of the Gaussian noise by PMM, (e) noisy image with Poisson noise, (f) denoised image of the Poisson noise by FPMM (\(\alpha =0.9\)), (g) denoised image of the Poisson noise by PMM, (h) noisy image with speckle noise, (i) denoised image of the Speckle noise by FPMM (\(\alpha =0.9\)), and (j) denoised image of the speckle noise by PMM

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