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On the asymptotic behavior of fourth-order functional differential equations
Advances in Difference Equations volume 2017, Article number: 261 (2017)
The aim of this work is to study asymptotic properties of a class of fourth-order delay differential equations. Our results in this paper not only generalize some previous results, but also improve the earlier ones. Examples are considered to elucidate the main results.
1 Introduction
This paper is concerned with the oscillatory behavior of solutions of nonlinear fourth-order differential equations of the type
where the following conditions are satisfied:
- (A1):
\(r\in C ( [ \tau_{0},\infty ) , ( 0,\infty ) ) \), \(r^{\prime} ( \tau ) >0\) and α is a quotient of odd positive integers;
- (A2):
\(q,g\in C( [ \tau_{0},\infty ) \times{[} a,b], \mathbb{R} )\), \(q(\tau,\xi)\geq0\), \(q(\tau,\xi)\) is not zero on any half line \([\tau _{\lambda},\infty)\times{[} a,b]\), \(\tau_{\lambda}\geq\tau _{0}\), \(g(\tau,\xi)\leq\tau\) for \(\tau\geq\tau_{0}\) and \(\xi\in {[} a,b]\), \(g(\tau,\xi)\) is continuous, nondecreasing with respect to ξ and \(\lim_{\tau\rightarrow\infty}g(\tau,\xi)=\infty\);
- (A3):
\(\sigma\in C([a,b],\mathbb{R} )\), σ is nondecreasing and the integral of equation (1.1) is in the Riemann-Stieltjes sense;
and the function \(f\in C ( \mathbb{R} ,\mathbb{R} ) \) satisfies one of the following conditions:
- (S1):
\(f ( x ) /x^{\alpha}\geq k_{1}>0\) for \(x\neq0\);
- (S2):
\(f^{\prime} ( x ) / \vert f ( x ) \vert ^{\frac{1-\alpha}{\alpha}}\geq k_{2}>0\) for \(x\neq0\) and \(f ( uv ) \geq u^{\alpha}f ( v ) \) for \(uv>0\).
By a solution of equation (1.1), we mean a function \(x(\tau )\in C[\tau_{x},\infty)\), \(\tau_{x}\geq\tau_{0}\) such that \(r ( \tau ) ( x^{\prime\prime\prime} ( \tau ) ) ^{\alpha}\) is continuously differentiable for all \(\tau\geq\tau _{x}\) and satisfies equation (1.1) for all \(\tau\in{[} \tau_{x},\infty)\) . Here, we consider only proper solutions \(x ( \tau ) \) to equation (1.1) with property \(\sup\{ \vert x(\tau) \vert :\tau\geq\tau\}>0\) for any \(\tau\geq\tau_{x}\). A solution of equation (1.1) is called oscillatory if it has arbitrary large zeros, otherwise it is called nonoscillatory.
In recent years there has been much research activity concerning the oscillation behavior of solutions of nonlinear differential equations (see [1–21]). In the last few years, many papers have appeared on the oscillatory theory of fourth-order differential equations (see [2, 16, 22–25]).
The aim of this paper is to study the oscillatory behavior of the solutions of nonlinear fourth-order differential equations (1.1) under the assumption
and we consider the function f with and without monotonicity. The results obtained essentially generalize the results from Zhang [24] and also improve some results from Baculykova [2]. Examples are provided to illustrate new results.
In order to discuss our main results, we need the following lemmas.
Lemma 1.1
If the function y satisfies \(y^{(i)} ( \tau ) >0\), \(i=0,1,\ldots,n\), and \(y^{ ( n+1 ) } ( \tau ) <0\), then
Lemma 1.2
Let \(y\in C^{n} ( [ \tau_{0},\infty ) , ( 0,\infty ) ) \). Assume that \(y^{ ( n ) } ( \tau ) \) is of fixed sign and not identically zero on \([ \tau _{0},\infty ) \) and that there exists \(\tau_{1}\geq\tau_{0}\) such that \(y^{ ( n-1 ) } ( \tau ) y^{ ( n ) } ( \tau ) \leq0\) for all \(\tau\geq\tau_{1}\). If \(\lim_{\tau \rightarrow\infty}y ( \tau ) \neq0\), then for every \(\mu\in ( 0,1 ) \) there exists \(\tau_{\mu}\geq\tau_{1}\) such that
2 Main results
In this section, we establish new oscillation criteria for solutions of equation (1.1). For the sake of convenience, we insert the following notation:
and \(F_{+} ( \tau ) =\max \{ 0,F ( \tau ) \} \).
Lemma 2.1
If \(x ( \tau ) \) is an eventually positive three times continuously differentiable function such that \(r ( \tau ) x^{\prime\prime\prime} ( \tau ) \) is continuously differentiable and \(( r ( \tau ) x^{\prime\prime\prime } ( \tau ) ) ^{\prime}\leq0\) for large t, then one of the following cases holds for large t:
The proof is immediate and hence is omitted.
Theorem 2.1
Assume that (1.2) and (S1) hold. If there exist continuously differentiable functions \(\rho,\vartheta\in C ( [ \tau_{0},\infty ) , ( 0,\infty ) ) \) such that
for some \(\mu_{1},\mu_{2}\in ( 0,1 ) \), then every solution of (1.1) is oscillatory.
Let x be a nonoscillatory solution of equation (1.1) on the interval \([ \tau_{0},\infty ) \). Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(x ( \tau ) >0\). From Lemma 2.1, there exists \(\tau _{1}\geq\tau_{0}\) such that \(x ( \tau ) \) has one of the four cases (C1)-(C4) for \(\tau\geq\tau_{1}\). For Case (C1), we define
Then \(\omega ( \tau ) >0\). By differentiating, we obtain
It follows from Lemma 1.2 that
for all \(\mu\in ( 0,1 ) \) and every sufficiently large Ï„. From (1.1), (A2) and (S1), we see that
Thus, by (2.5), (2.6) and (2.7), we get
From Lemma 1.1, we have that
Integrating this inequality from \(g ( \tau,a ) \) to Ï„, we get
which with (2.8) gives
By using the inequality
with \(A=\frac{\alpha\mu}{2}\frac{\tau^{2}}{ ( \rho ( \tau ) r ( \tau ) ) ^{1/\alpha}}\), \(B=\frac{\rho^{\prime } ( \tau ) }{\rho ( \tau ) }\) and \(z=\omega\), we get
This implies that
for every \(\mu\in ( 0,1 ) \) and all sufficiently large Ï„, which contradicts (2.1).
Consider Case (C2) holds. From Lemma 1.1, we get that \(x ( \tau ) \geq\tau x^{\prime} ( \tau ) \), by integrating this inequality from \(g ( \tau,\xi ) \) to τ, we get
Hence, from (S1), we have
Integrating (1.1) from Ï„ to u and using \(x^{\prime} ( \tau ) >0\), we obtain
Letting \(u\rightarrow\infty \), we see that
and so,
Integrating again from τ to ∞, we get
Now, we define
Then \(w ( \tau ) >0\) for \(\tau\geq\tau_{1}\). By differentiating and using (2.13), we find
Thus, we obtain
Then we get
This contradicts (2.2).
Assume that Case (C3) holds. Since \(r ( \tau ) ( x^{\prime\prime\prime} ( \tau ) ) ^{\alpha}\) is nonincreasing, we have that \(r ( s ) ( x^{\prime\prime\prime} ( s ) ) ^{\alpha}\leq r ( \tau ) ( x^{\prime\prime\prime} ( \tau ) ) ^{\alpha }\) for all \(s\geq\tau\geq\tau_{1}\). This yields
Integrating this inequality from Ï„ to u, we get
Letting \(u\rightarrow\infty\), we see that
By integrating the last inequality from τ to ∞, we obtain
Integrating again from τ to ∞, we find
Next, we define
Thus, we see that \(\psi ( \tau ) <0\) and satisfies
Hence, from (1.1), (2.17) and (S1), we have
Since \(g ( \tau,\xi ) \leq\tau\) and \(x^{\prime} ( \tau ) <0\), we have that \(x ( g ( \tau,\xi ) ) \geq x ( \tau ) \). Therefore, we get
From (2.18), we have
Multiplying (2.19) by \(R_{3}^{\alpha} ( \tau ) \) and integrating from \(\tau_{1}\) to Ï„, we obtain
which with (2.20) gives
Using inequality (2.11) with \(A=R_{3}\), \(B=1\) and \(z=-\psi\), we get
It follows that
but this contradicts (2.3).
In Case (C4). In view of the proof of Case (C3), we have (2.16) holds. From Lemma 1.2, we have that \(x ( \tau ) \geq\frac{\mu}{2}\tau^{2}x^{\prime \prime} ( \tau ) \) for all \(\mu\in ( 0,1 ) \) and every sufficiently large τ. Thus, from (A2), there exists \(\tau_{2}\geq\tau_{1}\) such that
for \(\tau\geq\tau_{2}\). Next, we define
We note that \(\varphi ( \tau ) <0\) for \(\tau\geq\tau_{1}\). By differentiating and using (1.1), (A3) and (S1), we obtain
Hence, (2.21) yields
From (2.16), we get
Multiplying (2.23) by \(R_{1}^{\alpha} ( \tau ) \) and integrating from \(\tau_{2}\) to Ï„, we obtain
By following the same steps as in Case (C3), we get that
which contradicts (2.4). This contradiction completes the proof of Theorem 2.1. □
Theorem 2.2
Assume that (1.2) and (S2) hold, and let \(g ( \tau,\xi ) \) have a positive partial derivative on \(I\times {[} a,b]\) with respect to Ï„. If there exist continuously differentiable functions \(\rho,\vartheta\in C ( [ \tau _{0},\infty ) , ( 0,\infty ) ) \) such that
for some \(\mu_{1},\mu_{2}\in ( 0,1 ) \), then every solution of (1.1) is oscillatory.
Let x be a nonoscillatory solution of equation (1.1). Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(x ( \tau ) >0\). By Lemma 2.1, there exists \(\tau_{1}\geq\tau_{0}\) such that \(x ( \tau ) \) has one of the four cases (C1)-(C4) for \(\tau\geq \tau_{1}\). For Case (C1), since \(g ( \tau,\xi ) \) is nondecreasing with respect to ξ, \(x^{\prime} ( \tau ) >0\) and \(f^{\prime } ( x ) >0\), we have that \(f ( x ( g ( \tau,a ) ) ) \leq f ( x ( g ( \tau,\xi ) ) ) \). Thus, from (1.1), we get
Now, we define
By differentiating and using (S2), we get
From (A2), there exists \(\tau_{2}\geq\tau_{1}\) such that \(g ( \tau,a ) \geq\tau_{1}\) for \(\tau\geq\tau_{2}\). Hence, from Lemma 1.2 and \(x^{ ( 4 ) }<0\), we obtain
for all \(\mu\in ( 0,1 ) \) and \(\tau\geq\tau_{2}\). Therefore, (2.28) yields
By following the same steps as in Case (C1) of the proof of Theorem 2.1, we get a contradiction with (2.24).
For Case (C2). From (1.1), (S2) and (A3), we obtain
By integrating this inequality from τ to ∞, we obtain
Since \(f^{\prime} ( x ) >0\), we get
Integrating again from τ to ∞, we have
Next, we define
Then \(w ( \tau ) >0\) for \(\tau\geq\tau_{1}\). By differentiating and using (2.13), we find
Since \(x^{\prime\prime} ( \tau ) <0\), we see that \(x^{\prime } ( g ( \tau,a ) ) >x^{\prime} ( \tau ) \)
Then we get
Integrating again from \(\tau_{2}\) to Ï„, we have
which contradicts (2.25).
If Case (C3) holds. As in the proof of Case (C3) of Theorem 2.1, we have that (2.16), (2.17) and (2.18) hold. Then we define
Thus, we see that \(\psi ( \tau ) <0\) and satisfies
Hence, from (1.1), (2.17) and (S2), we have
Since \(x^{\prime} ( \tau ) <0\), we get \(f ( x ( g ( \tau,\xi ) ) ) \geq f ( x ( \tau ) ) \). Therefore, we obtain
From (2.18) and (S2), we have
Multiplying (2.19) by \(f ( R_{3} ( \tau ) ) \) and integrating from \(\tau_{1}\) to Ï„, we obtain
Using inequality (2.11) with \(A=k_{2}f ( R_{3} ( s ) ) \), \(B=f^{\prime} ( R_{3} ( s ) ) \) and \(z=-\psi\), we get
but this contradicts (2.26).
In Case (C4). In view of the proof of Case (C4) of Theorem 2.1, we have (2.16) and (2.21) hold. By defining \(\varphi ( \tau ) \) as the form (2.22), we note that \(\varphi ( \tau ) <0\) for \(\tau\geq\tau _{1}\). Thus, from (1.1) and (A2), we get
From (2.21) and (S2), we see that
Hence, (2.31) yields
By following the same steps as in Case (C3), we get that
which contradicts (2.27). This contradiction completes the proof of Theorem 2.2. □
Theorem 2.3
Assume that (1.2) and (S1) hold. If the differential equations
are oscillatory for some \(\mu_{1},\mu_{2}\in ( 0,1 ) \), then every solution of (1.1) is oscillatory.
Proceeding as in the proof of Theorem 2.1, for Case (C1), we have that (2.10) holds. Then, if \(\rho ( \tau ) =1\), we get
for all \(\mu\in ( 0,1 ) \). Hence, from [1], we see that (2.32) has a nonoscillatory solution for every \(\mu\in ( 0,1 ) \), which is a contradiction.
The rest of the proof is the same, and hence is omitted. □
From Corollary 1 in Dzurina [3], if
then equation
is oscillatory. In the following theorem, by using the results of Dzurina [3], we will establish new oscillation criteria for solutions of equation (1.1) under the conditions
Theorem 2.4
Assume that (1.2), (2.38) and (S1) hold, and let (2.4) hold for some \(\mu_{2}\in ( 0,1 ) \). If
for some \(\mu_{1}\in ( 0,1 ) \), then every solution of (1.1) is oscillatory.
Example 2.1
Consider the fourth-order differential equation
where \(\delta>0\) is a constant. We note that
If we choose \(\rho ( \tau ) =\vartheta ( \tau ) =1\) and \(k_{1}=1\), then it easy to see that conditions (2.1), (2.2), (2.3) and (2.4) hold for \(\delta>\frac{81}{256}\). Thus, from Theorem 2.1, every solution of equation (2.42) is oscillatory for \(\delta>\frac{81}{256}\).
Example 2.2
Consider the delay differential equation
where \(b>0\). According to Corollary 4 in [2], equation (2.43) is oscillatory if \(b>\frac{2^{5}}{e}\). If we choose \(\rho ( \tau ) =\vartheta ( \tau ) =1\) and \(k_{1}=1\), then we conclude that (2.1) and (2.2) are satisfied and (2.3) and (2.4) hold for \(b>\frac{1}{4}\). Hence, by Theorem 2.1, every solution of equation (2.43) is oscillatory for \(b>\frac{1}{4}\). Then our results supplement and improve some results obtained in [2]. In particular, we consider the equation
where \(\gamma=\sin^{-1}\frac{7}{5\sqrt{2}}\). Since \(b=25\sqrt {2}e^{2\gamma }>\frac{1}{4}\), every solution of equation (2.44) is oscillatory. For example, \(x ( \tau ) =e^{2\tau}\sin(\tau)\) is a solution of equation (2.44). On the other hand, [24] showed that every nonoscillatory solution of
tends to zero as \(\tau\rightarrow\infty\), and we note that \(b= \frac{ e^{-1/2}}{16}<\frac{1}{4}\).
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The authors express their sincere gratitude to the editors and the anonymous referee for careful reading of the original manuscript and useful comments.
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Moaaz, O., Elabbasy, E.M. & Bazighifan, O. On the asymptotic behavior of fourth-order functional differential equations. Adv Differ Equ 2017, 261 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-017-1312-1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-017-1312-1