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Approximate ∗-derivations on fuzzy Banach ∗-algebras
Advances in Difference Equations volume 2012, Article number: 132 (2012)
In this paper, we establish functional equations of ∗-derivations and prove the stability of ∗-derivations on fuzzy Banach ∗-algebras. We also prove the superstability of ∗-derivations on fuzzy Banach ∗-algebras.
MSC:39B52, 47B47, 46L05, 39B72.
1 Introduction
Let be a Banach ∗-algebra. A linear mapping is said to be a derivation on if for all , where is a domain of δ and is dense in . If δ satisfies the additional condition for all , then δ is called a ∗-derivation on . It is well known that if is a -algebra and is A, then the ∗-derivation δ is bounded. For several reasons, the theory of bounded derivations of -algebras is very important in the theory of quantum mechanics and operator algebras [3, 4].
A functional equation is called stable if any function satisfying a functional equation “approximately” is near to a true solution of the functional equation. We say that a functional equation is superstable if every approximate solution is an exact solution of it.
In 1940, Ulam [24] proposed the following question concerning stability of group homomorphisms: Under what condition is there an additive mapping near an approximately additive mapping? Hyers [8] answered positively the problem of Ulam for the case where and are Banach spaces. A generalized version of the theorem of Hyers for an approximately linear mapping was given by ThM Rassias [20]. Since then, the stability problems of various functional equations have been extensively investigated by a number of authors (for instances, [1, 2, 9, 10, 19, 20]). In particular, those of the important functional equations are the following functional equations:
which are called the Cauchy equation and the Jensen equation, respectively. Every solution of the functional equations (1.1) and (1.2) is said to be an additive mapping.
Since Katsaras [14] introduced the idea of fuzzy norm on a linear space, several definitions for a fuzzy norm on a linear space have been introduced and discussed from different points of view [5–7]. We use the definition of fuzzy normed spaces given in [5, 17] to investigate the stability of derivation in the fuzzy Banach ∗-algebra setting. The stability of functional equations in fuzzy normed spaces was begun by [17], after then lots of results of fuzzy stability were investigated [11, 13, 16, 18].
Let X be a real vector space. A function is called a fuzzy norm on X if for all and all ,
() for ;
() if and only if for all ;
() if ;
() ;
() is a non-decreasing function of and ;
() for , is continuous on .
The pair is called a fuzzy normed vector space.
Furthermore, we can make a fuzzy normed ∗-algebra if we add () and () as follows:
() ;
() .
The properties and examples of fuzzy normed vector spaces, fuzzy algebras, and fuzzy norms are given in [17, 18, 22, 23].
Let be a fuzzy normed vector space. A sequence in X is said to be convergent or converge if there exists an such that for all . In this case, x is called the limit of the sequence and we denote it by N-.
Let be a fuzzy normed vector space. A sequence in X is called Cauchy if for each and each there exists an such that for all and all , we have .
It is well known that every convergent sequence in a fuzzy normed vector space is Cauchy. If each Cauchy sequence is convergent, then the fuzzy norm is said to be complete and the fuzzy normed vector space is called a fuzzy Banach space.
We say that a mapping between fuzzy normed vector spaces X and Y is continuous at a point if for each sequence converging to in X, then the sequence converges to . If is continuous at each , then is said to be continuous on X.
In this paper, using the functional equation of ∗-derivations
introduced in [12] we prove fuzzy version of the stability of ∗-derivations associated to the Cauchy functional equation and the Jensen functional equation. We also prove the superstability of ∗-derivations on fuzzy Banach ∗-algebras.
2 Stability of ∗-derivations on fuzzy Banach ∗-algebras
In this section, let be a fuzzy Banach ∗-algebra.
Theorem 2.1 Let and be control functions such that
Suppose that is a mapping with satisfying the followings:
uniformly on and for all
uniformly on . Then there exists a unique ∗-derivation δ on satisfying
for all .
Proof Let be given. Setting , and in (2.3), we can find some such that
for all and . One can use induction to show that
Let and put then by replacing a with in (2.6), we obtain
for all integers , . By the convergence of (2.1) there is such that
for all and . Since the fuzzy norm is nondecreasing, we can have
It follows from (2.8) and Definition 1.3 that the sequence is Cauchy. Due to the completeness of , this sequence is convergent. Define
for all . From the above equation, we have
for each . Moreover, letting and passing the limit in (2.8), we get
for all . Putting and replacing a and b by and , respectively, in (2.3), there exists such that
for all . Let . Temporarily fix . Since , there exists such that
for all . Hence, we have
for all and . The first three terms on the second and third lines of the above inequality tend to 1 as . Furthermore, the last term is greater than
which is greater than or equal to . Therefore,
for all . It follows that by () for all and all . Next, let where . Let and , where denotes the integer part of λ. Then (). One can represent as such that (, ). From (2.10), we infer that
for all . Hence, δ is -linear. Putting and replacing c and d by and , respectively, in (2.3), there exists such that
for all . Fix temporarily. By (2.1) there exists such that
for all and . We have
for all and . From the above computation
for all . So it is a derivation on . Moreover, it follows from (2.7) with and (2.9) that for all . It is well known that the additive mapping δ satisfying (2.5) is unique (see [3] or [20]). Replacing a and by and , respectively, in (2.4) we can find such that
for all and all . Since , there exists some such that for all . Hence,
The first two terms on the right-hand side of the above inequality tend to 1 as . Furthermore, the last term is greater than
which is greater than or equal to . So, we have that for all . It follows from that for all . So, δ is a *-derivation on . □
Theorem 2.2 Suppose that is a mapping with for which there exist functions and such that
for all and all . Then there exists a unique ∗-derivation δ on satisfying
for all .
3 Stability of ∗-derivations associated to the Jensen equation
The stability of the Jensen equation has been studied first by Kominek and then by several other mathematicians: ([15]). In this section, we study the stability of ∗-derivation associated to the Jensen equation in a fuzzy Banach ∗-algebra .
Theorem 3.1 Let be a fuzzy Banach ∗-algebra. Suppose that is a mapping with for which there exist functions and () such that
for all and all . Then there exists a unique ∗-derivation δ on satisfying
for all .
Proof Let be given. Letting and in (3.2), we can find some such that
for all and . Letting and replacing a and b by −a and 3a, respectively, in (3.2), we get also such that
for all and . Thus,
for all . Replace a by in (3.6)
Given , there exists an integer such that
for all .
So, we have
for all nonnegative integers n, m with and all . It follows from Definition 1.3 that the sequence is a Cauchy sequence for all . Since is complete, the sequence is convergent. So, one can define the mapping by
for all . If we put and replace a, b with , , respectively, in (3.2), we can find some such that
for all . Fix temporarily. Since , there is some such that for all . Then we have
for all and . The first three terms on the second and third lines of the above inequality tend to 1 as . Furthermore, the last term is greater than
which is greater than or equal to .
So, we have
for all . By the definition of fuzzy norm, we have
for all . Since , we have . Putting in (3.10), we get for each and, therefore, for all . Moreover, letting and passing the limit in (3.8), we get
for all . So, we have Eq. (3.5). It is known that such an additive mapping δ is unique. Let . Replacing both a and b in (3.2) by and dividing the both sides of the obtained inequality by , there exists some such that
for all and all . Fix temporarily. Since , there exists such that for all .
If we consider the following inequality
then the first two terms on the second line of the above inequality tend to 1 as and the last term is greater than
which is greater than or equal to . So, we can get for all by the similar discussion in the proof Theorem 2.1. Replacing both a and in (3.3) by and , and then dividing the both sides of the obtained inequality by , we find some such that
for all . Fix temporarily. Since , there exists such that for all . We consider the following inequality:
Then we get for all . For the derivation property, replacing both a and b in (3.4) by and , we can find some such that
for all . By (3.4), there exists such that for all and . We can get for all from the following computation:
Hence, δ is the ∗-derivation on that we want. □
4 Superstability of ∗-derivations
In this section, we prove the superstability of ∗-derivations on a fuzzy Banach ∗-algebras. More precisely, we introduce the concept of -approximate ∗-derivation and show that any -approximate ∗-derivation is just a ∗-derivation.
Definition 4.1 Suppose that is a ∗-normed algebra and . Let be a mapping for which there exist a function , and functions () satisfying
such that
for all . Then δ is called a -approximate ∗-derivation on .
Theorem 4.2 Let be a fuzzy Banach ∗-algebra with approximate unit. Then any -approximate ∗-derivation δ on is a ∗-derivation.
Proof We assume that (4.1) holds. An arbitrary is given. Let and . For there exists by (4.2) such that
for all . Fix temporarily. Since , there exists such that and for all and .
We have
it leads us to have a conclusion that for all . Therefore, for all by (). Let be an approximate unit of . If we replace b with , then we have
for all . So we conclude that for all and . Next, we are going to prove the additivity of δ. By (4.2), there exists such that
for all . Fix temporarily. By (4.1), we can find such that , , and for all .
For the additivity, we can have
Since all terms of the final inequality of the above inequality are larger than , we can have for all . We can get for all by (). By using the approximate unit of , we have that for all . Next, we are going to show the derivation property of δ. From (4.2) and (4.1), there exists such that
for all . By (4.1), we can find such that and for all . The following computation
yields that for all . By (4.2) and (4.4) there exists such that
for all . For fixing temporarily, there exists such that and for . From the following computation
we can have for all . By () and using approximate unit for all . Thus, δ is a ∗-derivation on . □
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The author would like to thank the editor Prof. Wong and two referees for their valuable comments. And the author was partially supported by the Research Fund, University of Ulsan 2011.
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Jang, S.Y. Approximate ∗-derivations on fuzzy Banach ∗-algebras. Adv Differ Equ 2012, 132 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1186/1687-1847-2012-132
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/1687-1847-2012-132