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C1 regularity of the stable subspaces with a general nonuniform dichotomy
Advances in Difference Equations volume 2012, Article number: 31 (2012)
For nonautonomous linear difference equations, we establish C1 regularity of the stable subspaces under sufficiently C1-parameterized perturbations. We consider the general case of nonuniform dichotomies, which corresponds to the existence of what we call nonuniform (μ, ν)-dichotomies.
Mathematics Subject Classification 2000: Primary 34D09; 34D10; 37D99.
1. Introduction
We consider nonautonomous linear difference equations
in a Banach space, where λ is a parameter in some open subset Y of a Banach space (the parameter space), and λ → B m (λ) is of class C1 for each m ∈ J = ℕ. Assuming that the unperturbed dynamics
admits a very general nonuniform dichotomy (see Section 2 for the definition), and that
are sufficiently small, we establish the optimal C1 regularity of the stable subspaces on the parameter λ for Equation (1.1).
The classical notion of (uniform) exponential dichotomy, essentially introduced by Perron in [1], plays an important role in a large part of the theory of differential equations and dynamical systems. We refer the reader to the books [2–5] for details and references. Inspired both in the classical notion of exponential dichotomy and in the notion of nonuni-formly hyperbolic trajectory introduced by Pesin in [6, 7], Barreira and Valls [8–11] have introduced the notion of nonuniform exponential dichotomies and have developed the corresponding theory in a systematic way for the continuous and discrete dynamics during the last few years. See also the book [12] for details. As mentioned in [12], in finite-dimensional spaces essentially any linear differential equation with nonzero Lyapunov exponents admits a nonuniform exponential dichotomy. The works of Barreira and Valls can be regarded as a nice contribution to the nonuniform hyperbolicity theory [13].
There are some works concerning the smooth dependence of the stable and unstable sub-spaces on the parameter. For example, in the case of continuous time, that is, for linear differential equations
Johnson and Sell [14] considered exponential dichotomies in ℝ (in a finite dimensional space), and proved that for C k perturbations, if the perturbation and its derivatives in λ are bounded and equicontinuous in the parameter, then the projections are of class C k in λ. In the case of discrete time, Barreira and Valls established the optimal C1 dependence of the stable and unstable subspaces on the parameter in [15] for the uniform exponential dichotomies and in [16] for the nonuniform exponential dichotomies.
In our study, we establish the optimal C1 dependence of the stable subspaces on the parameter for very general nonuniform dichotomies (which was first introduced by Bento and Silva in [17]) for (1.1). Such dichotomies include for example the classical notion of uniform exponential dichotomies, as well as the notions of nonuniform exponential dichotomies and nonuniform polynomial dichotomies. The proof in this article follows essentially the ideas in [16], with some essential difficulties because we consider the new dichotomies. We also note that we can establish the optimal C1 dependence of the unstable subspaces on the parameter using the similar discussion as in [16], and we omit the detail for short.
2. Setup
Let be the set of bounded linear operations in the Banach space X. Let (A m )m∈Jbe a sequence of invertible operators in . For each m, n ∈ J, we set
In order to introduce the notion of nonuniform dichotomy, it is convenient to consider the notion of growth rate. We say that an increasing function μ : J → (0, +∞) is a growth rate if
Given two growth rates μ and ν, we say that the sequence (A m )m∈J(or the cocycle ) admits a nonuniform (μ, ν) dichotomy if there exist projections for each m ∈ J such that
and there exist constants α, D > 0 and ε > 0 such that
for each m ≥ n, where Q m = Id - P m is the complementary projection of P m .
When μ(m) = ν(m) = eρ(m), we recover the notion of ρ-nonuniform exponential dichotomy, while we recover the notion of nonuniform polynomial dichotomy when μ(m) = ν(m) = 1 + m.
For example, if μ and ν are arbitrary growth rates and ε, α > 0, consider a sequence of linear operators A n : ℝ2 → ℝ2 given by diagonal matrices
for any m ∈ J. Then (A m )m∈Jadmits a nonuniform (μ, ν) dichotomy with the projections P m : ℝ2 → ℝ2 defined by P m (x, y) = (x, 0), and we have
for each m ≥ n.
In this article, for each n ∈ J, we define the stable and unstable subspaces by
3. Main results
We establish the existence of stable subspaces on J for each λ ∈ Y, such that the maps are of class C1. As the same in [10], we look for each space as a graph over E n . More precisely, we look for linear operators Φn,λ: E n → F n such that
Given a constant κ < 1, let be the space of families Φ = (Φn,λ)n∈J,λ∈Yof linear operators Φn,λ:E n → F n such that
for each λ, μ ∈ Y. Equipping with the distance
it becomes a complete metric space. Given and λ ∈ Y, for each n ∈ J, we consider the vector space
Moreover, for each m, n ∈ J, we set
where C k = A k + B k (λ) for each k ∈ J.
Now we state the main result of this article.
Theorem 3.1. Assume that the sequence (A m )m∈Jadmits a nonuniform (μ, ν) dichotomy, and for eachare C1functions satisfying
Suppose further that
Then for δ sufficiently small there exists a unique such that
for each m, n ∈ J. Moreover,
for each n ∈ J, m ≥ n and λ ∈ Y we have
for some constant D' > 0;
The map λ ↦ Φn,λ is of class C 1 for each n ∈ J.
Proof. Given n ∈ J and (ξ, η) ∈ E n × F n , the vector
for each m ≥ n.
Due to the required invariance in (3.3), given we must have y m = Φm,λx m for each m, and thus Equations (3.5)-(3.6) are equivalent to
for each m ≥ n.
Now we introduce linear operators related to (3.7). Given , n ∈ J and λ ∈ Y, we consider the linear operators determined recursively by the identities
for m > n, setting . We note that for x n = ξ ∈ E n , the sequence
is the solution of Equation (3.5) with y l = Φl,λx l for each l ≥ n. Equivalently, it is a solution of Equation (3.7).
Using (3.10) we can rewrite (3.8) in the form
Lemma 3.2. Given δ sufficiently small, for eachand λ ∈ Y, the following properties are equivalent:
(3.11) holds for every n ∈ J and m ≥ n;
for every n ∈ J and m ≥ n we have
Proof of the lemma. We first show that the series in (3.12) are well defined. Using (2.2) and (3.1), we obtain
By (3.9), for each m ≥ n we have
Then we have
Taking δ sufficiently small such that 2δϑD < 1/2 (independently of n) we obtain
and therefore,
Combined (3.13) and (3.16), we have
provided that δ sufficiently small.
Now we assume that identity (3.11) holds. It is equivalent to
Using (3.16), for each m ≥ n we have
Since α > 0, letting m → +∞ in (3.18) we obtain identity (3.12).
Conversely, let us assume that identity (3.12) holds. Then
for each m ≥ n. Since , it follows from (3.12) with n replace by m that (3.11) holds for each m ≥ n.
We define linear operators A(Φ)n,λ: E n → F n each , n ∈ J, and λ ∈ Y by
Lemma 3.3. For δ sufficiently small, A is well defined and.
Proof of the lemma. By (3.17) the operator A is well-defined and
for δ sufficiently small. Furthermore, writing
we have
Then we have from the above inequality that
Setting ϒ = sup{ϒ m : m ≥ n}, we obtain
Taking δ sufficiently small such that 2δDϑ < 1/2, we obtain
and therefore,
Therefore, it follows form (3.19) that
where K = 6D + 24δD2ϑ > 0.
Therefore, we obtain
and provided that δ is sufficiently small, we obtain Cλμ(A(Φ)) ≤ κ∥λ - μ∥. This shows that .
Now we note be the space of sequences U = (Un,λ)n∈ℕ,λ∈Yof linear operators Un,λ: E n → F n indexed by Y such that λ ↦ Un,λis continuous for each n ∈ J, and
Equipping with this norm, it becomes a complete metric space, For each , n ∈ J, and λ ∈ Y, we also define linear operators B (Φ, U)n,λby
and the linear operators Zm,λ= Zm,Φ,U,λ: E n → E m are determined recursively by the identities
for m > n, setting Zn,λ= 0. One observe that by the continuity of the functions Φl,λand Ul,λon λ the functions λ ↦ Wl,λand λ ↦ Zl,λare also continuous.
Lemma 3.4. For δ sufficiently small, the operator B is well defined, and.
Proof of the lemma. By (3.16) and (3.20) we have
Setting , we obtain
and setting ϒ = sup{ϒ m : m ≥ n},
Thus, taking δ sufficiently small such that , we have
and therefore
it follows from (3.16) and (3.20) that
provided that δ is sufficiently small. This shows that B is well defined for each n, and that ∥B(Φ, U) ∥ ≤ 1. Therefore, .
Now we define another map by
By Lemmas 3.3 and 3.4, it is clearly that the maps S is well defined and .
Lemma 3.5. For δ sufficiently small, the operator S is a contraction.
Proof of the lemma. Given Φ, , and set , we obtain
By (3.16) we obtain
Setting , then
and setting ϒ = sup{ϒ m : m ≥ n},
Thus, taking δ sufficiently small so that we have
and therefore,
Using (3.16) and (3.28) in (3.27) we obtain
for K' = 8δD3ϑ2 + 2D2ϑ > 0, provided that δK' νε(n) ≤ 1. This shows that A is a contraction.
Nextly, also given Φ, and λ ∈ Y, set Zl,Φ,U= Zl, Φ,U,λand Zl, Ψ, U= Zl,Ψ,U,λ, we obtain
By (3.16), (3.26), and (3.30)
for some positive constant K0 = 12δD3ϑ2 + 2D2ϑ + 12δD3ϑ2 > 0, provided that δ ≤ 1. Setting , we obtain
and setting ϒ = sup{ϒ m : m ≥ n} we obtain
Taking δ sufficiently small so that we obtain
and therefore,
Using (3.32) in (3.30) we obtain
for some positive constant L = 4δDK0ϑ + δDK0 > 0, provided that δ L ≤ 1. It follows from (3.29) and the above inequality that for δ sufficiently small the operator S is a contraction.
Now we proceed with the proof of Theorem 3.1. By Lemma 3.5 and its proof, there exists a unique pair such that and is the unique sequence in such that for each n ∈ J, λ ∈ Y. Namely, is the unique solution of Equation (3.12) as well as Equation (3.11). Together with (3.9) this implies that if ξ ∈ E n , then
is a solution of (3.7) and (3.8). This means (3.3) holds.
Let Φ be another sequence for (3.3). If ξ ∈ E n , then
Thus, if (x m , y m ) is the solution of Equation (1.1) with x n = ξ and y n = Φ n,λξ, then y m = Φm,λx m for m ≥ n. This means (3.7) and (3.8) hold. Furthermore, the sequence satisfies (3.9) and (3.11) holds. So .
Let , then for each m ≥ n we have
By (3.16)
On the other hand,
which implies that (3.4) holds with .
For the C1 regularity of the maps we consider the pair . Clearly,
for each n ∈ J and λ ∈ Y. We define a sequence by
For a given m ∈ J, if is of class C1 for each n ∈ J, and for every n ∈ J and λ ∈ Y, then the linear operators Wm,λand Zm,λsatisfy for m ≥ n and λ ∈ Y. Therefore we can apply Leibniz's rule to conclude that is of class C1 for every n ∈ J, with
for each n ∈ J and λ ∈ Y.
Moveover, if is the unique fixed point for the contraction map S. then the sequence converge uniformly to and the sequence converge uniformly to for each n ∈ J and λ ∈ Y.
We know that if a sequence f m of C1 functions converges uniformly, and its derivatives also converges uniformly, then the limit of f m is of class C1, and its derivative is the limit of . Therefore, by (3.33) each function is of class C1, and
for each n ∈ J and λ ∈ Y. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.1.
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This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11171090), the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (Grant No. NCET-10-0325), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project (Grant No. 20110491345) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.
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Wang, J. C1 regularity of the stable subspaces with a general nonuniform dichotomy. Adv Differ Equ 2012, 31 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1186/1687-1847-2012-31
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/1687-1847-2012-31