Consider the following system of functions on the interval :
The system of functions (6) and (7) arise in [6] for the solution of a nonlocal boundary value problem in heat conduction.
It is easy to verify that the systems of function (6) and (7) are biorthonormal on . They are also Riesz bases in (see [7, 8]).
We will use the Fourier series representation of the weak solution to transform the initial-boundary value problem to the infinite set of nonlinear integral equations.
Any solution of (1)-(4) can be represented as
where the functions , , satisfy the following system of equations:
Definition 3 Denote the set
of functions continuous on satisfying the condition
by B. Let
be the norm in B. It can be shown that B is a Banach space [9].
We denote the solution of the nonlinear system (9) by .
Theorem 4
Assume the function is continuous with respect to all arguments in and satisfies the following condition:
where , ,
, ,
Then the system (9) has a unique solution in D.
Proof For , let us define an iteration for the system (9) as follows:
where, for simplicity, we let
where , , .
From the condition of the theorem we have . We will prove that the other sequential approximations satisfy this condition.
Let us write in (11).
Adding and subtracting to both sides of the last equation, we obtain
Applying the Cauchy Inequality to the last equation, we have
Applying the Lipschitzs Condition to the last equation, we have
Let us use
Taking the maximum of both sides of the last inequality yields the following:
Adding and subtracting to both sides of the last equation, we obtain
Applying the Cauchy Inequality to the last equation, we have
Taking the summation of both sides with respect to k and using the Hölder Inequality yield the following:
Using the Bessel Inequality in the last inequality, we obtain
Applying the Lipschitzs Condition to the last equation and taking the maximum of both sides of the last inequality yield the following:
Adding and subtracting
to both sides of the last equation and applying the derivative to , we obtain
Applying the Cauchy Inequality to the last equation, we have the following:
Taking the summation of both sides with respect to k and using the Hölder, Bessel, and Lipschitzs Inequalities yields the following:
Taking the maximum of both sides of the last inequality yields the following:
Finally we have the following inequality:
Hence . In the same way, for a general value of N we have
considering the induction hypothesis that , we deduce that , and by the principle of mathematical induction we obtain
Now we prove that the iterations converge in B, as . We have
Applying the Cauchy Inequality, the Hölder Inequality, the Lipschitzs Condition, and the Bessel Inequality to the right side of (11), respectively, we obtain
Applying the Cauchy Inequality, the Hölder Inequality, the Lipschitzs Condition, and the Bessel Inequality to the right hand side of (9), respectively, we obtain
Applying the Cauchy Inequality, the Hölder Inequality, the Lipschitzs Condition, and the Bessel Inequality to the right hand side of (9), respectively, we obtain
In the same way, for a general value of N we have
Then the last inequality shows that the converge in B.
Now let us show . Noting that
it follows that if we prove , then we may deduce that satisfies (9).
To this aim we estimate the difference ; after some transformation we obtain
Adding and subtracting under the appropriate integrals to the right hand side of the inequality we obtain
Applying the Gronwall Inequality to the last inequality and using inequality (11), we have
For the uniqueness, we assume that problem (1)-(4) has two solutions u, v. Applying the Cauchy Inequality, the Hölder Inequality, the Lipschitzs Condition, and the Bessel Inequality to the right hand side of , respectively, we obtain
applying the Gronwall Inequality to the last inequality we have
The theorem is proved. □