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Simultaneous identification of initial field and spatial heat source for heat conduction process by optimizations
Advances in Difference Equations volume 2019, Article number: 411 (2019)
Consider the simultaneous identification of the initial field and spatial heat source for heat conduction process from extra measurements with the two additional measurement data at different times. The uniqueness and conditional stability for this inverse problem are established by using the properties of a parabolic equation and the representation of solution after reforming the equation. By combining the least squares method with the regularization technique, the inverse problem is transformed into an optimal control problem. Based on the existence and uniqueness of the minimizer of the cost functional, an alternative iteration process is built to solve this optimizing problem by the variational adjoint method. The negative gradient direction is selected as the first search direction. For further iterations, the alternative iteration algorithm is used for the initial field and heat source identification. The efficiency of the proposed scheme is tested by the numerical simulation experiments.
1 Introduction
Consider the following heat conduction problem:
with initial condition
and boundary condition
where \(\varOmega \subset \mathbb{R}^{d}\) (\(d=1,2\)) is bounded, \(f(x)\) is the space-dependent heat source and \(\phi (x)\) is the initial temperature with \(\phi \vert _{\partial \varOmega }=0\). If \(f,\phi \in L^{2}(\varOmega )\), then the solution of (1) is unique and \(u\in L^{2}(0,T;H_{0}^{1}( \varOmega ))\) in the distributional sense which satisfies (2) (see [1]), and
where C is independent of f and ϕ.
The problem considered in this paper is to determine the initial temperature \(\phi (x)\) and the space-dependent source \(f(x)\) simultaneously from two additional measurement data at times \(T_{1}\), \(T_{2}\) for \(0< T_{1}< T_{2}\leq T\):
It is well known that if the source term \(f(x)\) in (1) is given, the recovery of the initial value \(\phi (x)\) from \(u(x,T)\) is severely ill-posed. For the classical heat conduction equation, it is called a backward heat conduction problem. Many authors have studied this kind of inverse problem; see [2,3,4,5,6,7]. On the other hand, when the initial value \(\phi (x)\) is known, estimating the source \(f(x)\) from the final observation is also an ill-posed problem [8, 9]. The degree of ill-posedness is equivalent to that of second-order numerical differentiation [10, 11]. The problem in this paper was firstly investigated by Johansson and Lesnic in [12] where the uniqueness was presented and an iterative regularization algorithm was used to solve it.
This article is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we give uniqueness analysis and a conditional stability result for the inverse problem (1)–(5). An optimization problem is presented and an alternative iteration scheme is constructed by means of the variational adjoint method in Sect. 3. Numerical examples are given in Sect. 4.
2 Uniqueness and conditional stability
Suppose \(f(x), \phi (x)\in L^{2}(\varOmega )\) and set \(w(x,t)=u(x,t)- \phi (x)\), then (1)–(3) will change into
with \(w(x,T_{1})=\psi _{1}(x)-\phi (x)\) and \(w(x,T_{2})=\psi _{2}(x)- \phi (x)\). Applying separation of variables, we can obtain the solution to (6) as
Thus, for \(i=1,2\), we can obtain
Set \(\tilde{\phi }(x)=\Delta \phi (x)\) with \(\phi (x)=0\) (\(x\in \partial \varOmega \)) and \(\tilde{\psi }_{i}(x)=\Delta \psi _{i}(x)\) (\(i=1,2\)) with \(\psi _{i}(x)=0\) (\(x\in \partial \varOmega \)). Then (8) yields
So we have
Denote \(h_{n}^{i}=\int _{0}^{T_{i}}e^{-\lambda _{n}(T_{i}-\tau )}\,d \tau =\frac{1}{\lambda _{n}}(1-e^{-\lambda _{n} T_{i}})\). Since \(\Delta X_{n}=-\lambda _{n} X_{n}\), by using Green formula, we have
So (8) yields
When \(T_{1}\ne T_{2}\), we have \(h_{n}^{1}\ne h_{n}^{2}\). So (11) has a unique solution. By simple calculation, we obtain
Note that \(\phi _{n}\), \(f_{n}\) are the Fourier coefficients of ϕ and f, that is, ϕ and f are uniquely determined by means of the measurements at different times \(T_{1}\) and \(T_{2}\). So combining with the properties of the problem (1)–(3), we have the following result:
Lemma 2.1
Suppose \(\phi , f\in L^{2}(\varOmega )\), and \(\psi _{1},\psi _{2} \in H _{0}^{1}(\varOmega )\), then the solution to the inverse problem (1)–(5) is unique in \(L^{2}(\varOmega )\times L^{2}( \varOmega )\).
Now, we give a conditional stability analysis for the inverse problem. Suppose \(\partial {\varOmega }\in C^{2+\alpha }\) and \(\phi , f\in C ^{2+\alpha }(\bar{\varOmega })\), then
by Theorem 2.2.5 in [13].
We divide the time interval \([0,T_{2}]\) into \([0,T_{1}]\) and \([T_{1},T_{2}]\). In \([T_{1},T_{2}]\), for the source \(f(x)\), we have the following stability result in the framework of Hölder spaces [14]:
Now we consider the conditional stability with respect to ϕ in \([0,T_{1}]\) with the aid of the stability result (14). By separation of variables we can obtain the solution to (1)–(4) as follows:
Setting \(t=0\) and \(t=T_{1}\), respectively, \(W_{n}(t)\) will be determined, and we have
where \(\phi _{n}=\langle \phi ,X_{n} \rangle \), \(\psi _{1,n}=\langle\psi _{1},X _{n}\rangle\), and \(f_{n}=\langle f,X_{n} \rangle \).
From (16), we have
Similarly, from (17), we have
On the other hand, (18) yields
Because \(C^{2+\alpha }(\bar{\varOmega })\subset H^{2}(\varOmega )\) and \(C^{\alpha }(\bar{\varOmega })\subset L^{2}(\varOmega )\), by means of the result in (22), we can change (21) into
Since \(u(\cdot ,0)\vert _{\partial \varOmega }=0\), by (23) and using a \(W^{2,2}\)-estimate of the solution to Poisson equation, we have
where \(C_{2}=CC_{1}\).
Now we introduce the following norms of ϕ and f:
and define the following admissible set of ϕ and f:
where \(M_{1},M_{2}>0\).
From the above analysis, by the linearity of the inverse problem and (14),(24), we have
Theorem 2.2
Suppose \(\partial \varOmega \in C^{2+\alpha }\). For \(\phi ^{i}\in \mathbb{P}_{1}\), \(f^{i}\in \mathbb{P}_{2}\) (\(i=1,2\)), note that
where \(u[\phi ^{i},f^{i}](x,t)\) are the solutions to (1)–(3) with respect to \(\phi ^{i}\) and \(f^{i}\). Then the solution to the inverse problem has the following stability estimate:
where C is dependent of \(M_{1}\) and \(M_{2}\).
3 Iteration scheme for solving the optimization problem
We reformulate the inverse problem (1)–(5) as the following optimization problem:
Find \((\phi ^{*},f^{*})\) such that
where the cost functional is
Here \(u(x,t)\) is the solution to the problem (1)–(5) depending on \((\phi ,f)\), \(\gamma >0\) is the regularization parameter; \(\phi ^{\eta }\) and \(f^{\eta }\) are some prior information of ϕ and f, respectively. Similar to a discussion in [15], we have the following result for the optimization problem:
Lemma 3.1
For any \(\gamma >0\), \(J(\phi ,f)\) has a unique pair of minimizers \((\phi ^{*},f^{*})\) in \(L^{2}(\varOmega )\times L^{2}(\varOmega )\).
Setting \(\varOmega \subset \mathbb{R}^{2}\), we will propose an alternative iteration scheme for minimizing \(J(\phi ,f)\) based on the variational adjoint method to generate the approximate solution to our inverse problem. The crucial steps are the derivation of the gradient of the cost functional and an efficient iteration scheme based on the gradient.
3.1 Derivation of the gradient of functional
We first derive the tangent linear model. Denote by \(u(x,t)\), \(\tilde{u}(x,t)\), and \(\breve{u}(x,t)\) the solutions to (1)–(3) corresponding to \((\phi ,f)\), \((\phi ,f+ \alpha \hat{f})\), and \((\phi +\beta \hat{\phi },f)\).
then by direct calculation for û we have
where (31) is called the tangent linear model of (1)–(3).
Now we calculate the Gatéaux derivative of the cost functional \(J(\cdot ,\cdot )\). Generally, Gatéaux derivative is defined as
So we calculate directly the two limits on the right-hand side of (32), and by means of the conditions of the problem (1)–(3), we have
where û fits the tangent linear model (31).
Secondly, define the adjoint systems:
Multiply both sides of (31) by adjoint functions \(p_{1}(x,t)\) and integrate in \(\varOmega \times [0,T_{1}]\). Similarly, multiply both sides of (31) by \(p_{2}(x,t)\) and integrate in \(\varOmega \times [0,T_{2}]\). By means of the initial and boundary conditions of (31), we are led to (36)–(37) as follows:
Due to (34)–(35), (36) and (37) yield
Adding (38) to (39), (33) can be changed into
Due to the irrelevance of ϕ̂ and f̂, the gradient of \(J(\phi ,f)\) at \((\phi ,f)\) along ϕ̂, f̂ can be obtained as follows:
3.2 Iteration algorithm
Starting from the initial guess \(\phi _{0}(x)\) and \(f_{0}(x)\), we construct the following iteration scheme:
where \(r^{i}_{n}>0\) (\(i=1,2\)) is the step size selected by the Wolfe line search [16], and \(D^{1}_{n}\), \(D^{2}_{n}\) are the searching directions. The negative gradient direction is selected as the first search direction for \(D^{1}_{n}\), \(D^{2}_{n}\). For the succeeding iterations, two kinds of optimization method are used for the initial temperature inversion and the heat source identification, respectively. An alternative iteration scheme is constructed to improve the computation efficiency.
According to the construction of the iterative scheme (42)–(43), we design the following alternate iteration algorithm for solving \((\phi _{n},f_{n})\):
Fix the maximum iterative step \(N_{\max }\), the error level ϵ, and the maximum length of correction step \(r_{\max }>0\).
- Step 1::
Given the initial guess \(\phi _{0}\), \(f_{0}\) and initial search step \(r_{0}^{1},r_{0}^{2}\in (0, r_{\max })\), calculate
$$\begin{aligned}& D^{1}_{0}=-g_{0}:=-\nabla _{\phi }J\vert _{(\phi _{0}, f_{0})}, \qquad \phi _{1}(x)=\phi _{0}(x)+r^{1}_{0}D^{1}_{0}(x), \\& D^{2}_{0}=-s_{0}:=-\nabla _{f}J\vert _{(\phi _{1},f_{0})}, \qquad f_{1}(x)=f_{0}(x)+r^{2}_{0}D^{2}_{0}(x). \end{aligned}$$Repeat for \(n=2,3,4,\ldots \) .
- Step 2::
Calculate the two tangent directions of J with respect to ϕ, f:
$$\begin{aligned}& g_{n-2}=\nabla _{\phi }J\vert _{(\phi _{n-2}, f_{n-2})}, \qquad g_{n-1}=\nabla _{\phi }J\vert _{(\phi _{n-1},f_{n-2})}, \\& s_{n-2}=\nabla _{f}J\vert _{(\phi _{n-1},f_{n-2})}, \qquad s_{n-1}=\nabla _{f}J\vert _{(\phi _{n-1}, f_{n-1})}. \end{aligned}$$Here, for given \((\phi _{i}, f_{j})\), we first need to solve the direct problem (1)–(3) and get the solution \(u[\phi _{i}, f _{j}]\), and the adjoint problem (34)–(35) is then also solved to obtain \(p_{1}[\phi _{i}, f_{j}]\), \(p_{2}[\phi _{i}, f_{j}]\), where
$$ (i,j)=(n-2,n-2), (n-1,n-2), (n-1,n-1). $$ - Step 3::
Calculate the correction step \(\xi _{n-1}\), \(\zeta _{n-1}\) in the nth iteration direction as
$$ \xi _{n-1}=\frac{ \Vert g_{n-1} \Vert }{ \Vert g_{n-2} \Vert }, \qquad \zeta _{n-1}= \frac{ \Vert s_{n-1}^{T}(s_{n-1}-s_{n-2}) \Vert }{ \Vert s_{n-2}^{T}(s _{n-1}-s_{n-2}) \Vert }. $$ - Step 4::
Modify the negative gradient direction and get the new iteration direction of \(\phi _{n}\), \(f_{n}\):
$$ D^{1}_{n-1}=-g_{n-1}+\xi _{n-1}D^{1}_{n-2}, \quad\quad D^{2}_{n-1}=-s_{n-1}+\zeta _{n-1}D^{2}_{n-2}. $$ - Step 5::
Calculate the step size \((r^{1}_{n-1},r^{2}_{n-1})\) for update \((\phi _{n-1},f_{n-1})\) by Wolfe line search.
- Step 6::
$$ \phi _{n}(x)=\phi _{n-1}(x)+r^{1}_{n-1}D^{1}_{n-1}(x), \qquad f_{n}(x)=f_{n-1}(x)+r^{2}_{n-1}D^{2}_{n-1}(x); $$ - Step 7::
Check whether \(\max {\{ \Vert g_{n} \Vert , \Vert s_{n} \Vert \}} <\varepsilon \) or \(n>N_{\max }\)? If it is true, stop the iteration and output \(\phi _{n}\), \(f_{n}\). Otherwise, set \(n+1\Rightarrow n\) and return to Step 2.
4 Numerical implementation
In this section, we give two numerical implementations for the iteration algorithm. All the computations were performed using MATLAB 2016a on a personal computer with Intel Core i5 and 8.00 GB memory. Set \(x=(x_{1},x_{2})\), \(\varOmega =[0,\pi ]\times [0,\pi ]\), denote the stepsizes in \(x_{1}\) and \(x_{2}\) by \(h_{1}=\pi /M_{1}\) and \(h_{2}= \pi /M_{2}\), respectively, where \(M_{1}, M_{2}\in \mathbb{N}\) are grid parameters with respect to \(x_{1}\), \(x_{2}\). The stepsize in t denoted τ is chosen by \(T_{1}=N_{1} \tau \), \(T_{2}=N_{2} \tau \). What needs to be explained is that an alternate iterative scheme is proposed. In Example 1, we compare the numerical results with the solutions by the primary iteration scheme. The final time giving the inversion input data is taken as \(T_{1}=1/2\), \(T_{2}=1\) for the two examples, while the noisy final measurement data are simulated by
where \(\operatorname{randn}(x)\in [-1, 1]\) are from the normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Here the direct problem (1)–(3) and adjoint system (34) and (35) are solved by D’Yakonov ADI scheme. The error estimates of \(\phi (x)\) and \(f(x)\) are defined by \(L^{2}\)-estimation:
Example 1
The exact solution of (1)–(3) is
and then \(\phi ^{*}(x_{1},x_{2})=\sin {x_{1}}\sin {x_{2}}\) and \(f^{*}(x_{1},x_{2})=4\sin {x_{1}}\sin {x_{2}}\). According to (46), the noisy data is simulated by
In this example, we select \(\phi ^{\eta }=f^{\eta }=0\) and divide the domain Ω as \(60 \times 60\) pixels and take the regularizing parameters \(\gamma =10^{-2}\). Set \(\phi _{0}(x_{1},x_{2})=0\), \(f_{0}(x_{1},x_{2})=0\) and consider the input data (47) with \(\delta =0,0.001,0.01,0.02,0.03\), respectively. The inverse results of \(\phi (x_{1},x_{2})\) and \(f(x_{1},x_{2})\) are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Here, in order to represent the advantage of an alternate iteration in this paper, we also calculate \(J(\phi _{n}^{\delta },f_{n}^{\delta })\), \(\operatorname{err}(\phi _{n}^{\delta },\phi ^{*})\), and \(\operatorname{err}(f_{n}^{\delta },f^{*})\) with \(\delta =0\) by means of alternate iteration and primary iteration, which are shown in Table 1. For \(J(\phi _{n}^{\delta },f_{n}^{\delta })\), the functional value is reduced faster than when using alternate iteration after the same number of iterations. Furthermore, the estimated error values \(\operatorname{err}(\phi _{n}^{\delta },\phi ^{*})\) and \(\operatorname{err}(f_{n}^{\delta },f^{*})\) are small after 100 iterations by using the alternate iteration scheme, but respective errors when using the primary iteration scheme are reduced slowly. It can be seen that the efficiency of computation is greatly improved by alternate iteration. Figure 3 (first line) shows the numerical performance for noisy input data by giving the behavior of \(J(\phi _{n}^{\delta },f_{n}^{\delta })\). And the error estimation results of \(\phi (x_{1},x_{2})\) and \(f(x_{1},x_{2})\) are shown in Fig. 3 (second line, (middle) and (right)).
Example 2
The exact initial temperature and the source field are
Then the exact solution has the same form
Set \(N_{1}=N_{2}=30\), then (48) is computed numerically by its \(N_{1}\times N_{2}\) terms, and (44) yields the noisy inversion input data
where \(i=1,2\).
We set \(f^{\eta }=\phi ^{\eta }=0.01\), and consider the input data (49) with \(\delta =0,0.001,0.01,0.02\), and 0.03, respectively, in this example. The regularizing parameters are selected as \(\gamma =10^{-2}\). The initial guess is \(\phi _{0}(x_{1},x_{2})=0\) and \(f_{0}(x_{1},x_{2})=0\). We obtain the inverse results of \(\phi (x_{1},x _{2})\) and \(f(x_{1},x_{2})\), which are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. In Fig. 6, we give the numerical performance for noisy input data by giving the behavior of \(J(\phi _{n}^{\delta },f_{n}^{\delta })\) (first line), the errors \(\operatorname{err}(\phi _{n}^{\delta },\phi ^{*})\) and \(\operatorname{err}(f_{n}^{\delta },f^{*})\) with respect to the iteration number n and noise level δ (second line, (left) and (right)).
Remark 4.1
The penalty term \(J_{2}\) can also be replaced by \(\frac{\gamma ^{2}}{2}\int _{0}^{T_{1}}\int _{\varOmega } \vert \nabla u \vert ^{2}\,dx\), which means that the heat flux is bounded in physics. In comparison with \(J_{2}\) used in this paper, the regularization effect is more obvious for the inversion of ϕ, and the number of iteration is decreasing. We have already tested it in 1-dimension.
5 Conclusion
This paper presents an alternative iteration method for the simultaneous identification of the initial field and spatial heat source for a heat conduction process from extra measurement data at two different times. The uniqueness and conditional stability results have been established. In Example 1, we calculated \(J(\phi _{n}^{\delta },f_{n}^{\delta })\), \(\operatorname{err}(\phi _{n}^{\delta },\phi ^{*})\) and \(\operatorname{err}(f_{n}^{\delta },f^{*})\) with \(\delta =0\) by means of alternate and primary iteration schemes. In addition, the alternate iteration scheme takes 3 min, while the primary iteration scheme takes 5 min for 100 iterations in Matlab2016a. And as seen from Table 1, by using the alternate iteration scheme, the value of functional \(J(\phi _{n},f_{n})\) is reduced faster than by the primary iteration scheme for the same number of iterations.
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The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for very helpful suggestions and comments which led to improvement of our original manuscript.
This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (No. BK20181482), the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China (No. 18KJD110002) and the Scientific Research Foundation of Huaiyin Normal University (No. 31WBX00).
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Wang, B., Yang, B. & Xu, M. Simultaneous identification of initial field and spatial heat source for heat conduction process by optimizations. Adv Differ Equ 2019, 411 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-019-2344-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-019-2344-5